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It's here

Living Your Life with Intention

This book was an ask from a student in first I didn't think it was possible as it would be too short! And then it all came together. 

This book was a labor of love for 20 months...leveraging the teachings of my gurus through the Amrit Institute and others. Along comes Hannah White and she beautifully designed the book, its illustrations and her love for herbs. 

We have books at the studio if you are local or purchase here on Amazon

May this book bring you much love and peace. 

Brooke & Hannah 

Brooke and Hannah
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Intentional Journal

This yearly journal follows one intention per week. Life lessons, intention setting, herbal's a beautiful gift of our hearts sharing what we love. 


Words have power...These words hold teachings of those that came before us, are living amongst us and are to come. 

Use them as a guide...stick with them for the full week...repeat a week if you need to...and enjoy the process. 

It's my honor to give these teachings to you. 

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Herbal Healing

The earth gives us ways to heal ourselves...yet many of us never know what to look for or how to use them. 

This book brings generations of understanding to your fingertips through the healing power of herbs and intentions. 

Use it as your guide on a hike, in nature or in a natural pathic shop...they speak to us and our bodies often know what we need. 


Contact Us: 

Buka Yoga | Yoga Studio | Castle Rock

723 North Wilcox Street

Castle Rock, CO 80104

(720) 722-1756 

Follow us

Instagram @bukayoga 

Facebook @bukayogallc

Disclaimer: We require waivers for all new students to practice yoga. Should you have any medical concerns or questions please reach out to your primary doctor. 

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