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Did you know we have 2 studio spaces?! Just next door to each other- look for the name of the studio on your registration and on the door! 

Shine studio @ 723

Bloom studio @ 721

Class Schedule

If there is no one registered for class 1 hour prior to class during the day or by 9pm the night before for 6am classes, we reserve the right to cancel class. Please note which studio you are in- Shine is our original location at 723 Wilcox and Bloom is at 721 Wilcox, just next door! 

Please sign up early! Want a weekly view to print?

Click here: Weekly PDF schedule SHINE 

Click here: Weekly PDF schedule BLOOM

Classes & Workshop Descriptions

Contact Us: 

Buka Yoga | Yoga Studio | Castle Rock

723 North Wilcox Street

Castle Rock, CO 80104


(720) 722-1756 


Follow us

Instagram @bukayoga 

Facebook @bukayogallc


Disclaimer: We require waivers for all new students to practice yoga. Should you have any medical concerns or questions please reach out to your primary doctor. 

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