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And so we ebb...and flow


It's been a hot minute since I last posted. And it's not because I don't have much to share, but life got in the way. And it's still in the way...but now it feels and looks different.

Just so you know, even as teachers, our practice ebbs and flows. Some months we are ON it and learning and growing and some months we are tucking away on a couch...binge watching a show/series. It's called life. And sometimes, life, takes over. Even when I can subtly hear the mat calling, I ignore it...because I've decided to prioritize something else. It might be good for me, it might not be...but this too is the journey of yoga. The introspection of life, of what it means to live, how we spend our time and how we show up in the world.

I finally put time on my calendar as a block this past week to workout and do yoga (yes, I actually put that title in my calendar, because the leadership training I do for clients in my other job remind me that time blocking with actual names are critical)...and even on the days I'm tired and don't want to do it, I still show up. Even if I only have 20 minutes...I show up, I release the day, I connect to my breath and I listen.

The next few weeks are going to challenge us all...and my challenge to you is don't loose sight of your true self. Book your yoga classes ahead of time and put them in your calendar. Even if you don't want to do it, show up. Be in childs pose the whole time. Don't neglect this moment in time's opportunity to be part of the collective voice, energy and compassion for the world...If you need the space to be in childs pose the whole class or cry your eyes out and being in studio isn't online. The power of this magical tool with Zoom is that even when you don't have can still be with us.

I know there is a lot of information coming your too. To move through the noise I have found is to be on my mat, consistently, even for 10 minutes. To be with my breath, to be in my body, to forgive those that have harmed offer compassion to those that do life differently than me.

We're doing a donation sadhana Nov 6...the day after the election. I don't care who you vote for...all I know is that we only make change as the collective voice. So come meditate, chant and be for an hour 6-7pm in Bloom, our newest studio, just next door to our main space. Let's change the vibration one voice, one moment at a time.

Will you join me on the mat the next 9 weeks to close out the year? Let's create a collective energy of healing, love and compassion. You in?



Contact Us: 

Buka Yoga | Yoga Studio | Castle Rock

723 North Wilcox Street

Castle Rock, CO 80104

(720) 722-1756 

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Instagram @bukayoga 

Facebook @bukayogallc

Disclaimer: We require waivers for all new students to practice yoga. Should you have any medical concerns or questions please reach out to your primary doctor. 

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